How to create a killer careers page on your company website


The best careers page converts potential hires by answering candidates' questions while portraying your company in the best possible light.

Posted: Sep 14, 2021
Last Updated: Sep 14, 2021

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The last time you were job searching, how did you feel about the most recent Careers page you visited? Lame? Exciting? Can’t remember because they all look the same (or it’s been too long)?

Remember, you want to place your company in the best light possible. A short description of what you do—your elevator pitch—is all that’s necessary. The rest of your website details services, products, and the rest.

Contrary to popular belief, careers pages aren’t all about the company. Careers pages that convert help potential hires put themselves in a story that involves your company. To help you optimize your careers page, we’ll show you what you should include and avoid.

Explain what your company does, and why on your careers page

Why you do what you do is a thoughtful add-on. What motivates you (other than money) to show up and give it your best every day? What do you tell your employees? Why do employees want to be there? Keep it short, but make it memorable.  

Bring your company culture to life authentically - AKA: how to create a recruitment video

Who better to talk about the mission, values, and your great workplace than your own team? Capturing them on video speaking about the joys of your business will set a lasting impression on potential candidates. Instead of listing What do they like about working there? Can we see them working with each other or clients in relaxed settings? Avoid talking heads unless they’re compelling, short, and interspersed with b-roll footage.

To improve your careers page video, consider talking about the actions people take to embody the values and mission of the company (rather than simply listing them). For example:

  • They volunteer for new projects
  • They say yes before they feel ready
  • They take ownership of every project they’re on, regardless of their role
  • They listen well
  • They refuse to take themselves too seriously

It goes without saying that you should use real people, not stock footage.

Tell candidates what they can achieve, for themselves and for your customers

By being part of your company, what will candidates be able to do? Save the whales? Transform small companies who can’t afford big agencies? Work with people of integrity who are doing stellar work? Become a VP? Cast a vision and invite them into a really good story.

Here’s an example of a great testimonial from a team member: “I don’t just sit and code every day. I help small companies create solid websites that enable them to do more business and serve more people.”

Talk about the characteristics you’re seeking on your careers page—rather than your mission and values.

You’re probably very proud of your mission statement. Creating it took grit. But unless it feels like an invitation into a career, candidates don’t care. Sorry. Instead, focus on what you’re seeking, because those qualities say a lot about the kind of company you are. Think about qualities like intelligent, profit-minded, flexible, creative, focused, empathetic, teambuilder, and the like. The reality is, most employees can’t tell you their company’s mission statement because it makes little sense or is overly complicated.

The good news is, improving your careers page doesn’t involve changing your mission statement. Instead, choose 3-5 qualities you seek in everyone who works for you. Next, add a 2-3 sentence description for each one, and boom, you’re helping candidates self-select. You’re (hopefully) also describing the people who already work for your organization.  

Showcase your open positions boldly

Before you go too far down the page, show what’s available and make those positions stand out. Here’s what we do at USDP:

usdp career page

Answer core questions about benefits and physical or virtual office life

If your organization is primarily located in a physical location, showcase it. Play up the highlights with a short list of features potential candidates may be interested in (i.e. nice offices, spaces for collaboration, etc.). Great images and video go a long way to establishing the vibe of the office space. If you have multiple locations, consider featuring the ones that are in-demand and have the best features.  

Be transparent about expectations around working remotely and working in the office. Some people may love the new remote-work situation, and others may be eager to be among people regularly. Also, include the high-level benefits, from health insurance to education, travel subsidies, and company happy hours. Some benefits are non-negotiables for candidates, and in a climate where people are especially selective (and even holding out for signing bonuses where none used to be offered) you’ve got to dangle your juiciest carrot.  

An office tour we like: AirBnB:

Sample image from AirBnB careers page. What we like: You glimpse Tokyo, San Francisco, Brazil, Ireland, and other locations, both offering insight AND showing you locations.

Design your careers page to wow and function well

Designing a page that’s easy to use, easy to skim, and looks professional establishes you as a company that cares about the experience of its people. Every person considering your organization will land on the careers page at some point, making it a VIP.

At USDP, we often help our clients by using something we call Message-Based Design, which combines both thoughtful user experience (UX) and clear messaging. We also leverage our digital advertising team to get the word out. It’s a powerful combination, and can take any page from zero to hero without costing a fortune.

DXC Technology Careers landing page What we like: DXC Technology has a vibrant careers landing page showcasing the many positions they have internationally.

Three things your careers page shouldn’t do

You could infer these from the list above, but if you want to optimize your careers page, you should NOT:

  • Use stock photos
  • Simply list open positions and your mission statement
  • Be boring

What’s next if you want to create career pages that convert?  

A well-formed careers landing page requires properly-written content, great visuals (we can’t stress video enough), and some strategic promotion. If you are interested in changing how candidates see your company and improving your company’s careers page, let’s chat.

main employee

Joe Kruessel

Creative Director

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