Our client sweet spot: Small business | Why we love to partner with small businesses


We understand that helping small businesses isn’t just a task. As a digital marketing agency for small businesses, we will help you grow.

Posted: Jul 13, 2023
Last Updated: Jul 13, 2023

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Why helping small businesses grow is more important than trying to land a global brand.

​​At USDP, we understand that helping marketing for small businesses isn’t just a task. It’s a chance to help create jobs, support families, solve serious problems, and maybe even save lives.

Over the years we’ve served small businesses, start-ups, non-profits, and Fortune 500s. But our sweet spot—where we make the biggest difference in their growth—is small businesses. We define “small” as businesses with $10 to $60 million in annual revenue.  

So why does helping small businesses matter to us? And who are we to say we’re positioned to help them? Let’s dig in.

We’re a small business, and we understand the unique challenges that come with that

If you work in a small business, marketing is just one of the hats you wear. You need to generate leads and grow, despite being pulled in dozens of directions. DIY-ing isn’t an option, because there’s simply too much to know and keep up with. And big agencies won’t even take your call unless you’ve got 50-100K+ to spend. So where do you turn?

Who supports thriving family-owned businesses, local gems, or regional up-and-comers?

As a small business ourselves, we have conquered similar operational challenges and developed proven marketing methods. We’re continually finding new ways to attract talent, productize services, reach niche audiences, and tell great stories. (We’ve got plenty of stories.)  

Like you, we don’t have the luxury of bankrolling big mistakes. We need real results. That’s why we’re passionate about guiding small companies to better messaging, design, advertising, and marketing strategies that get results. Think of us as a trusted navigator, here to help you sail choppy seas without seasickness.

Great marketing shouldn’t be reserved for big companies

USDP isn’t helping patients access critical medications, inventing time-saving technology, or supporting the poor in war-torn areas—but our clients are. It’s fulfilling to know that we play some small role in that work.  

Small businesses deserve to have access to an experienced team, the latest tools, and thoughtful strategies, without overspending. Great marketing isn’t just for big companies.

The truth is, we see bigger, more transformational results with smaller companies.

Inspiring stories from companies of all sizes bring us joy

But there’s something extra special when you see…

  • a nonprofit increase donations by $1 million in one year or a services company grow by 30%  
  • a patient support company reinventing its messaging, which is helping attract more employees as well as customers
  • or a niche manufacturer who received so many orders they wanted to pause their marketing

Don’t let limited capacity thwart your output. Watch this video to learn how we partnered with this small business.

How USDP uniquely helps marketing for small businesses

We prefer to operate as an extension of your team. (AKA: You get a direct hotline to help.)

Vendors approach things transactionally, which isn’t our style. We believe in forming strong, collaborative partnerships with our clients, so you can look great and get results. As execution partners, USDP can better understand your business, your goals, and your unique challenges. You can count on us to work seamlessly with your team and help you achieve your marketing goals.  

We focus on results. (AKA: You know if your money was well spent.)

Businesses spend a lot of money on marketing, often with zero idea of whether it worked. Impressions, clicks, conversions, sales—it’s all trackable. We make sure projects have built-in success metrics. We can’t succeed unless you do, so we’re committed to delivering a positive ROI on every project.  

Through every phase of website design and development, and data-driven digital advertising, we look for ways to make the most of your investment. Our digital ads team has helped companies decrease their ad spending over time. And we’ve helped companies refresh their brands and boost sales with smaller, more targeted marketing solutions.  

Part of why we can achieve these results is because we focus on the execution part of digital marketing rather than slogging through lengthy brand strategy phases. You’ve got to test a strategy to see if it works, and with the analytics available to us today, we can do just that.


We love small businesses, and we’re equipped to help them flourish.

USDP team is here to help your small business

Small businesses that thrive when working with us…

  • Want to tell a better brand story
  • Want to improve their marketing but don’t have enough experience to do it themselves
  • Need a better website, guidance on a digital strategy, or small ways to improve their leads  
  • Are determined to succeed
  • Are willing to be an active partner in launching and testing new ideas

USDP helps small businesses by:

  • Guiding them to the marketing strategies best suited to their businesses  
  • Educating and empowering them to accomplish marketing tasks themselves
  • Helping them spend less on digital advertising over time  
  • Acting as an extension of their team
  • Delivering results while providing ongoing strategy and oversight

When it comes to marketing for small businesses, you shouldn’t settle for less than you deserve. We’d love to help you grow, reach new audiences, and be satisfied with how you’re spending your marketing budget. Click here to take the next step.

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David Brecount

CEO & Co-Founder

If you want different results, let’s do something different, together.

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