Why is Storybrand Effective?


By leveraging the power of story, the framework gets a clear message across in a matter of seconds. Simple as that.

Posted: Jun 23, 2022
Last Updated: Jun 10, 2024

Lady with pen

Why is StoryBrand effective?

The answer is easy: Because you have a “reptile brain.” Don’t feel insulted, that’s what scientists call the “lower” areas of the human brain—the brainstem and limbic region—responsible for basic functions, strong emotions, and innate reactions. The truth is, we all have a reptile brain, and this lower part of your brain is all about making sure basic needs are met. In a certain sense, Donald Miller’s StoryBrand framework appeals directly to the lower part of the brain. 

Miller notes that the brain helps you “survive and thrive.” It’s on the lookout for threats and benefits. In your pursuit, it’s also preventing you from burning too many calories. Besides, what good is it if you’ve depleted your energy by the time you find that which will help you survive and thrive?!

Building Your StoryBrand and Digital Marketing

In a digital age that bombards you with thousands of messages a day, your brain is constantly sifting out the rubbish and clinging to what is of true benefit. You know what this means for digital marketing efforts? It means the competition for someone’s attention is fierce, and your window of opportunity is teeny-tiny. Experts disagree on the amount of time someone will spend on your site before bouncing. But, whether it’s 54 seconds, 20 seconds, or Miller’s suggested 5 seconds, it’s not much time. 

Consequently, you need crystal clear messaging. To use a popular “StoryBrand-ism,” if you confuse, you’ll lose the attention of your message-saturated audience that’s struggling to conserve energy and survive. They’ll skitter away and you may never hear from them again. 

This is precisely where the StoryBrand framework comes in. 

Our Experience of StoryBrand’s Effectiveness

Building your StoryBrand works. By leveraging the power of the StoryBrand framework, you can convey a clear message in seconds— simple as that. At USDP, we use the StoryBrand framework to help clients craft customer-centered stories before we design and execute a website or ads that bring the story to life, giving your marketing momentum. The results we’ve seen prove:

1) Building Your StoryBrand helps you focus on the right story. Most people can share a story about their work or what their company does, but is it the right story? Is it clear and compelling? Or does it suffer from the curse of knowledge? The next time someone asks what you do, there’ll be no more stumbling over words or talking too much. StoryBrand works because it helps you communicate the right story with clear, consistent, and customer-centric language. And that takes us to our next point… 2) StoryBrand puts your customer first. It’s easy to get caught up in mission statements, company achievements, and service descriptions. But people don’t want to hear about you. StoryBrand effectively asks, “How can I help my customers/others succeed?” instead of “How do we talk about ourselves?” It makes your customer the hero and strategically positions you as the guide. You can rally behind that. At USDP, instead of a drawn-out strategy process where we ruminate for hours on how to talk about your services, we like to focus on your customers and move from there. 3) StoryBrand inspires message-based design with clear calls to action that turn website visitors into customers. StoryBrand effectively drives conversions. But don’t take my word for it, check out a few case studies.

StoryBrand Case Studies 

One of our awesome clients, Margaret Mary Health, employed StoryBrand during the website redesign. Web traffic increased to 12,000 monthly visitors, and conversions increased by 18%. An architecture design firm client, NELSON, also utilized StoryBrand during their redesign, achieving a 104% increase in traffic by social sources, a 2000% increase in email traffic, and a 36% increase in thinking page engagement. After StoryBrand and a website redesign, Monteverdi Tuscany’s resort revenue increased by 84%, and they experienced over 14,000 digital marketing impressions and 1,300 website leads.

Tell Your Story

When it comes to digital marketing, StoryBrand just works. We all have reptile brains and are trying to survive and thrive amid the flood of messages washing over us each day. StoryBrand helps your message surface above the rest because it helps you tell the right story and do so quickly and clearly. Remember: if you confuse, you’ll lose.

Looking for a guide to help you leverage StoryBrand to communicate more effectively? Connect with USDP today. We’d love to guide you through the process and show you how USDP does StoryBrand.

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Emmy Stephens

Digital Marketing Analyst

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