Team Member Spotlight: Alison Seddon


Alison, USDP's content strategist with 20+ years in editorial and marketing, crafts clear, effective content and is an expert StoryBrand guide, aiding leaders to engage customers through clarity.

Posted: Jan 28, 2021
Last Updated: Jan 28, 2021

Alison Seddon

As USDP’s content strategist, Alison does more than wrangle em dashes. With over 20 years of editorial and digital marketing experience, she develops content that’s super clear and effective. She’s also an expert StoryBrand guide and works with clients and in-house creatives as a strategist, discerner, and collaborator. Regardless of the hat she’s wearing, Alison’s goal is simple: to help leaders and companies connect with their customers through clear, useful content.

Throughout her career, Alison has worked with NGOs, tech companies, consumer products, healthcare organizations, and many more. Alison has a master’s in professional writing from the University of Cincinnati. Her other favorite hats include mom, avid reader, global traveler, and friend.

main employee

Alison Seddon

Content Strategist

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