15 Fun Facts to Celebrate our 15th Birthday!


US Digital Partners celebrates 15 years alongside the USA's 241st on July 4th. From 4 to 23 employees, 500+ clients, across 20 states and 4 countries, their journey since 2002 shows remarkable growth and memories.

Posted: Jul 3, 2017
Last Updated: Jul 3, 2017

Birthday cake

The United States of America is turning 241 on July 4th, and US Digital Partners is turning 15! Though we don’t have quite as many years under our belt, we’ve been reminiscing all the memories we’ve had since our founding in 2002.

Here are 15 fun facts you may or may not know about US Digital Partners as we’ve grown over the years.

1. USDP started with four employees, and we currently have 23. That’s a 475% increase!

2. We started the company just after the tech bubble burst in 2001, and everyone thought we were nuts.

3. We’ve had the pleasure of working with 500+ awesome clients.

4. We have worked with clients in 20 different states and 4 countries.

5. We’ve had four different office locations - two on Main Street, one on 8th Street and now our current home for the past six years on Elm Street.

6. Before USDP moved in, the Eighth Street space was used as a photography studio. To create room for expansion, the landlord jackhammered through a bank vault to access our new space.

7. We were working in “OTR” before people started using that term.

8. Jesy was the lone female for a while until 2011 when Kate joined the team. Now we have eight rockstar women!

9. In 2004, David was the only USDPeep with a child. Today, 8 peeps have children, totaling 17 little peeps.

10. In an attempt to improve our fitness in 2016, we created the USDPhitness club and even developed an online tracker app. You can often find us breaking out some pushups or burpees in the middle of the work day.

11. At Michael’s Whelan first USDP happy hour, he had no idea what to drink so he enjoyed a fancy Irish Coffee. Today, he is a beer connoisseur.

12. 15 years ago our design intern, Lena Rose, was only 5 years old.

13. To accommodate our growing team, we expanded our office about 2,000 square feet at the end of 2016 and held our first annual open house to celebrate.

14. Contrary to popular myth, Joe Kruessel was NOT born with a beard.

15. The tallest team member is 6’4” and the shortest is 5’.

We’ve come a long way since then, and we’re thankful for everyone who has been along for the ride with us.

main employee

David Brecount

CEO & Co-Founder

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