
Posted: Sep 21, 2022
Last Updated: Sep 21, 2022

PharmaCord works on behalf of pharmaceutical manufacturers to help patients get their prescriptions faster and with less hassle. Through their custom-built technology, exemplary patient support staff, and on-site pharmacy, PharmaCord is able to expedite the prescription process in a way that none of their competitors can match. The problem was, they couldn’t figure out how to explain what they did clearly on their website. Even some of their own team members were confused about the core offerings of the company.

USDP quickly identified three challenges:

Challenge #1: Create a new brand identity without totally redesigning their current logo.

Challenge #2: Rename and rebrand their suite of products and services.

Challenge #3: Create a new website that untangles the complex nature of their work and makes it easy for the target audience to understand.

Our team collaborated through every phase of the branding and web development process. First, we crystallized PharmaCord’s key messaging using the StoryBrand framework and aligned on straightforward, compelling names for their suite of products and services.

Then, we explored a range of design strategies for communicating with color theory, illustration, and photography. We focused on telling the story of PharmaCord through the lens of the patient journey. We achieved this by creating an icon to represent each product or service and weaving them together in an illustrative ‘patient flow’ that evokes the idea of a journey–without bogging the viewer down in overwhelming details.

We’re happy to have accomplished all three goals with PharmaCord’s new brand and website! Fresh and energetic, the bright colors and geometric shapes of the ‘patient flows’ are sleek and accessible. The brand voice is clear, confident, and action-oriented. Now PharmaCord’s team and clients have no trouble understanding the value that PharmaCord brings to the table, in only a few seconds. And that means more business for PharmaCord and more life-saving medications in the hands of patients.

Digital Marketing Services Used: StoryBrand, Brand Design, Website Design, Website Development, Video Production, Digital Advertising, and SEO.

PharmaCord Lynk diagram of website features PharmaCord primary colors PharamCord Lynk

“Everyone LOVES the site. Everyone keeps asking–’Are we still PharmaCord? Do we still do the same stuff?’ And I say, ‘Yeah, it’s just that you can actually understand what we do now.’”
- Paige Hobbs

PharmaCord comprehensive patient support services

Pharmacord product icons

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