Grow your Career at PharmaCord

Posted: Apr 10, 2023
Last Updated: Apr 10, 2023

We recently had the privilege of putting together a recruitment video production for our client, PharmaCord. PharmaCord works on behalf of pharmaceutical manufacturers to help patients who need life-saving medications to receive them. When PharmaCord came to USDP for a video, their mission was to hire over 200 people in just two months, then continue to expand their team after that. To support this effort, we created a video that showcased PharmaCord’s culture and values, which was placed on the website where top talent could watch it and be inspired to apply. Then, PharmaCord drove prospects to their site through digital advertising campaigns, billboards, radio advertising, local news spots, and career fairs. Two months later, the PharmaCord team had grown by 200+!

It was an honor to help PharmaCord achieve their recruitment video production goals and showcase their unique culture to potential employees.

Digital Marketing Services Used: StoryBrand, Video Production

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