Why small businesses need an execution agency instead of a traditional agency


Frustrated with digital marketing spend without clear results? USDP focuses on real growth through hands-on lead pursuit, campaign tracking, and continuous improvement.

Posted: Jul 13, 2023
Last Updated: Jul 13, 2023

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When it comes to digital marketing, few things are more frustrating than throwing money at websites or ads and not knowing if it’s working. Worse, we think, is investing 100K defining a brand and producing a beautiful brand book, and still not knowing what to say on your website, in ads, or videos. It’s like an airplane without the wings or engine: it can’t get off the ground. Read on to learn why your business needs a digital strategy execution agency.

In over 20 years in digital, we’ve been handed beautiful brand guidelines and asked to create a website. What on earth would a holistic execution of that brand vision be? How do you gauge success?

Is there an easy way to turn the “Helper” archetype into a story that works in ads or a website? It’s kind of like being given fancy hiking gear, dropped off in the wilderness, handed an axe, and told to blaze your own trail back to town. That’s a tall ask, and unlikely to be successful.

If all you care about is knowing cerulean blue is the brand’s primary color, and the font Roboto, job well done. But how do those choices help the business grow and win more customers?

We know we’re picking on brand and digital strategy agencies here, but the reality is: You need way more than deep thoughts in a hundred-slide deck.

You need an EXECUTION agency.  

Not hired assassins.

Not order takers.

Not yes people.

USDP is an execution agency

Strategy is something you do and revisit. You don’t hold your ground while roaring waters come rushing toward you. (CEOs and CMOs get sacked for getting stuck on one strategy for way too long.)

Real growth comes from spending most of your time and effort pursuing leads, tracking campaigns, and improving your efforts. So why not invest most of your money in the execution part of the work?  

USDP's 20/80 Approach

Marketing strategy layout

Rather than this….

Marketing strategy layout 2

Imagine this: You just bought a sophisticated new espresso machine for your home. Although you may not be a milk-foam-art-barista, you can brew a decent cappuccino. This morning, you grind the beans and sample a new roast, but it’s too bitter. Do you toss your pricey machine or do you try a different roast?

Digital marketing is rarely one-size-fits-all. That’s why testing and adapting, early and often, is so important.

We spread out the strategizing over time, rather than front-loading it—giving you a marketing engine that propels you forward. You can step on the gas anytime, without having to go back and redo that fancy brand book. It’s an approach we’ve taken successfully for over 20 years, with hundreds of happy clients.

Three hallmarks of an execution agency:

  1. Continual evolution. An execution agency rolls out tactics and tries new technology regularly. We want to get to executing so we can gather customer data and see what works. We believe that if you’re unwilling to learn and see what a brand/a strategy/a product or service matures into, based on real-life application, you’re making a mistake. Around here, nothing is too precious to trash if it’s not working. This applies to your brand as much as it does to advertising. As a brand grows up, it might need a new look. As a campaign plays out, it will need tweaking. We’re on it.
  2. A la carte options. Ultimately, you might need a new website, but starting with paid advertising to grow leads first may make more sense. Or maybe you need to re-evaluate your entire digital universe. Execution agencies enable clients to focus on the projects of most value to them, rather than asking them to sign up for everything, all at once. We consider each client’s current situation and offer a plan—with options for tackling it in smaller chunks if that’s what you need. You deserve to invest in digital marketing that gets results.
  3. An extension of your team. An execution agency does the work you don’t have time to do, so you can be even more effective at your job. We can be most helpful by getting to know each business deeply (the good, the bad, and the ugly). Being an extension of your team means wearing many hats—acting as business process analysts, data analysts, researchers, challengers, jokesters, and trend-spotters on your behalf. Every client gets a direct line to the people who do the work, whether that’s a designer, a developer, or an advertising analyst.

What are the benefits of working with a digital strategy execution agency?

  • Receive proactive solutions
  • Condense timelines
  • Stay current
  • Adapt tactics and change course based on data
  • Gain a “go-to” partner who will answer questions, fix stuff, and build momentum
  • Maximize your digital marketing budget  

Who is an execution agency right for?

Small to medium sized businesses who want tangible results faster. And who want to keep up with marketing trends, but don’t have the bandwidth. We’re a small business, and we understand the unique challenges that come with that. That’s why we’re passionate about guiding small companies to better messaging, design, advertising, and marketing strategies that get results.

Companies that want to grow their customer base, clarify their messaging, and modernize their brand efficiently and cost-effectively love working with us.  

Ready to stop worrying about lagging behind, and start building momentum? Book a meeting with us!

main employee

David Brecount

CEO & Co-Founder

If you want different results, let’s do something different, together.

Reach out today